For Immediate Release                                                                 

Effective Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 8:00 am the total fire ban will be lifted in the Township of South Frontenac.

This means that residents can return to having open air fires including open air cooking fires, camping fires, and approved incinerator or brush pile fires that are in compliance with the regulations set in the Township’s burning By-law 2012-68.

“I would like to thank the residents of South Frontenac for complying with the ‘Total Fire Ban’ that was put in place on April 9th, 2021, for the safety of our community, our properties, and our SFFR firefighters,” said Fire Chief Darcy Knott, Director of Fire and Emergency Services for the Township. “The combination of wet weather conditions and greening vegetation presents less of a risk for burning than just a few weeks ago.” 

Chief Knott explained, “With the release of the fire ban, I urge residents to reference the current Open Air Burning Bylaw 2012-68, burn only when conditions are appropriate, have adequate means to stop the spread of fire if it becomes out of control, and as always….Think Safe and Be Safe!”

Additionally, the Township would like to remind residents that any infraction of By-law 2012-68 can result in significant financial penalties. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact SFFR at 613-376-3027 ext. 2234, or via email at fireadmin@southfrontenac.net.

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Fire Chief Darcy Knott
Director of Fire and Emergency Services/CEMC
Tel:  613-376-3027 Ext. 2254


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