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Weekly collection rotates between “blue” materials” one week and “yellow” materials the next week.

  • Blue materials = aluminium and steel cans, plastic/styrofoam containers and cardboard
  • Yellow materials = Paper, newspapers, magazines, single ply boxboard, plastic bags, glass bottles and jars
See the new recycling calendar and list of materials below or download the current calendar. Printed copies are available at our 4432 George Street or 2490 Keeley Road Township offices. If you are new to the area, please see our Collection map and list of roads to determine your day of pick up.

recycling calendar  blue and yellow materials

Please only use open top, recognizable recycle bins, not cardboard boxes or garbage cans. The maximum weight limit for each blue box and its contents is 44 pounds. We also ask that you do not stockpile your recyclables.

Upcoming Changes to Recycling

Starting July 1, 2025, the Township and many other communities across Ontario, will no longer be responsible for the provision of recycling services for residential properties. The Ontario government, under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, 2016 (O. Reg 391/21), is holding producers responsible for recycling the products that they produce.

The new recycling program will be managed by Circular Materials, a national not-for-profit organization committed to building an efficient and effective recycling system in Ontario. Beginning July 1, South Frontenac will transition to an enhanced blue box program however, your current calendar and materials received will remain in effect until then.

A: Under the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, of 2016, Ontario’s Blue Box Regulation shifts responsibility for the Blue Box Program to the organizations that produce products and packaging. Under the old system, communities shared the costs. 

Starting July 1, 2023, communities began transitioning their Blue Box programs to this new extended producer responsibility framework. During the transition period (July 1-December 31 2025), you won’t notice any difference in the materials you can recycle however it is not known at this time whether there will be a change to your collection day.. What’s changing is who is responsible for funding and operating the recycling system. 

Once the transition to the new framework is complete in 2026, producers will be fully accountable and financially responsible for recycling the products and packaging that end up in recycling bins. 

A: Circular Materials is the administrator of the common collection system and a not-for-profit organization that is committed to building an efficient and effective recycling system in Ontario.  

Recycling in Ontario - Circular Materials 

Reg. 391/21: BLUE BOX 

Updates to the Blue Box Transition Schedule | Environmental Registry of Ontario 

A: There will be no changes to where your residential recycling is picked up or to the materials collected during the Transition period (July 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025). 

A: The Township should have more details on the Contractor well before the transition date and will relay that information to all residents at that time. 

A: Yes, residents can continue to bring their recycling material to the three Northern Transfer sites, Green Bay, Salem and Bradshaw when open until the end of the 2025 season. Starting January 1, 2026, Circular Materials will fully manage Ontario’s Blue Box program and any future program changes will be made at their discretion. 

A: Your current recycling calendar is valid until June 30, 2025. Prior to July 1 Circular Materials will be issuing a new recycling calendar to residents with collection information going forward. 

A: Yes, during the transition period (January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025), the South Frontenac Recycles  will still be available. Starting January 1, 2026, Circular Materials will fully manage Ontario’s Blue Box program.  Any program changes will be made at their discretion. 

Recycling tips

  • Cardboard and styrofoam must be cut, flattened and tied into bundles no more than 3’ X 2’ X 8” in size.
  • Remove all staples and tape and put out no more than three bundles per pickup. Any more than three bundles may be left.
  • If you have a stockpile of cardboard, it will be accepted free of charge at either the Portland or Loughborough landfill sites when open. Excess cardboard can also be taken to Kingston Area Recycling, 196 Lappans Lane, at no cost to South Frontenac residents.
  • Do not bag cans and plastics

Excess recycling

You can take any excess recycling to

Blue boxes and Enviromesh covers for sale

14-gallon blue bin containers are available at the Keeley Road Public Works office located at 2490 Keeley Road during office hours for $10 each. The Township provides one free blue box for each newly constructed dwelling. Please bring your Occupancy permit to the Keeley Road office within 60 days of moving in to receive your blue box.

We also sell Enviroweb mesh covers for your blue bins for $10.

Recycle Box net Cover

Is this recyclable? Let the Waste Wizard help!

The Waste Wizard in our South Frontenac Recycles app will tell you if the item can be recycled, put out in your garbage, or dropped off as hazardous waste. The app even provides links for other disposal options and will send you custom reminders so you never forget a collection day again. Download it today from the app store or enter your item below.

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