For Immediate Release

Due to the developing COVID-19 pandemic, the Township of South Frontenac has decided to enact the following heightened procedures and closures, effective immediately:

  • The Administrative offices at the town hall on George St. and our Public Services Facility on Keeley Rd will be asking the public to self-screen for symptoms prior to entering our facilities. The Township encourages residents to make use of phone, email, and alternative payment methods, rather than visiting the office whenever possible.  
  • All Municipally owned facilities that are used for recreational purposes will be closed to the public effective immediately. These facilities include, but are not limited to;
    • Glendower Hall
    • Sydenham Library Community Room
    • Princess Anne Community Centre
    • Harris Park Hall
    • Storrington Centre
    • South Frontenac Museum
    • All Parks & Fields for the purpose of scheduled events and gatherings. 
  • All Fire Stations in the Township will be closed to the public, only essential staff and Fire department personnel are permitted to access these buildings.
  • The deadline for payment of the Interim Tax bill (originally March 31, 2020) has been extended to April 30, 2020. We are encouraging payments to be made through online banking, by mail or via credit card. Visit our website for more information

In addition to the above facilities, the following closures have also occurred over the past few days:

  • Effective March 16, 2020, the Frontenac Community Arena Board of Directors made the decision to close the arena for the remainder of the season. Notice available on their website.  

Additionally, please continue to reduce potential spread of the virus by practicing the following:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth unless you have just washed your hands with soap
  • Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue or into your arm, not your hands
  • If possible, stay home if you are sick – If possible, stay home from work/school if sick (as always, if any concerns, seek medical attention)
  • Avoid visiting people in hospitals or long-term care centres if you are sick
  • Do not share personal items that come into contact with saliva such as toothbrushes, eating utensils, drinks, water bottles, and towels

Township of South Frontenac staff will be monitoring the COVID-19 situation as it evolves and make decisions about the length of closures as more information becomes available. Your patience and cooperation during this time is greatly appreciated.

 Please visit our website for additional information and updates.




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