Family Day Event
February 17th, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm, Frontenac Community Arena
Family Day Event 2025
Memories are made at our annual Family Day event. We welcome families to the FCA for an afternoon of indoor and outdoor fun.
Admission and all activities are free. The canteen will be open, and they accept cash and debit.

Join us at the Arena!
Plan on spending time indoors and outside taking part in lots of activities! Here is what you can expect:
- Public skating
- Horse drawn wagon rides
- Snow tubing and games
- Fire pits and s'mores
- Hot chocolate
- And more!
Contact Us
Township of South Frontenac
4432 George St. Box 100
Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0
T: 613-376-3027
F: 613-376-6657
TF: 1.800-559-5862
(if calling within the 613 area code)
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