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Event Planning

Applicable by-laws, resources, and helpful links

The Township is committed to accessibility and requires all Event Hosts to make accessibility a top priority. Preference will be given to events that reflect the Townships commitment to these values.

Accessibility features of every event include but are not limited to:

  • Clearly signed accessible parking.
  • Accessible viewing areas and washrooms.
  • Directional signage prominently displayed to indicate accessible features.

Accessibility in Ontario

A Guide to Accessible Festivals & Outdoor Events

  • If serving alcohol a Special Occasion Permit (SOP) must be obtained from the Alcohol and Gaming Commission (AGCO) and must be posted at the event. To obtain an SOP, the event must be designated as Municipally Significant through Council. Recreation staff can assist with the designation process. Email as early as possible to start the process.
  • The consumption of alcohol on municipal property is regulated by municipal by-laws, therefore a by-law exemption will need to be obtained through Council. Recreation staff can assist with the request. Please give ample time for the request to go through to Council. Email as early as possible to start the process.
  • All designated areas permitted to serve alcohol must be included a submitted site plan.

  • All Amusement Devices and Air-Supported Structures must be in compliance with the provisions of the Technical Standards and Safety Act.
  • All Amusement Devices and Air-Supported Structures must be included in a submitted site plan.
  • Additional fees may apply for special events involving Amusement Devices and/or Air Supported Structures – especially if you choose to buy into South Frontenac insurance.
  • Event Hosts must provide the Township with:
    • a detailed list of Devices and Structures;
    • copy of manufacturer details for all structures including but not limited to size, weight, support safety features and tie downs where applicable;
    • TSSA approvals for all devices and structures, where applicable; and
    • proof of WSIB certification, where applicable.
    • proof of insurance.
  • All Amusement Devices and Air-Supported Structures must
    • be appropriately staffed at all times;
    • not create trip hazards;
    • meet all safety requirements as outlined in the TSSA guidelines; and
    • be anchored securely using weights and/or spikes (using spikes on asphalt/ concrete is prohibited, please plan accordingly).

  • Any event that includes animals must be in compliance with KFL&A Public Health. This includes petting zoos, animal rides, and animal exhibits.
  • Pens, shelters and operating areas of the animals must be included in a submitted site plan.
  • Any damage caused by animals will be remediated at the Event Host’s expense.
  • All dogs must be kept on a leash, picked up after and are under the full responsibility of the owner.
  • Animal care must be in compliance with the Kingston Humane Society. Failure to comply will result in the immediate revocation of the Facility Rental and User Agreement.

  • Camping and overnight stays on municipal property is regulated through municipal by-laws, therefore a by-law exemption will need to be obtained through Council. Recreation staff can assist with the request. Please give ample time for the request to go through to Council. Email to get the process started. 
  • Details of the location, duration, expected number of people, and purpose will be required.
  • If approved, all campsites must be included in a submitted site plan.

While the Township does not endorse any specific company, Event Hosts are strongly encouraged to source supplies and services locally wherever possible.

Check out Frontenac County's Business Directory to help you shop locally for your event.

The Township of South Frontenac shall bear zero costs for any special event whatsoever, unless otherwise agreed to, in writing, by the Public Services Department. The Event Host shall be responsible for any and all costs related to the event.

The Event Host shall be solely and completely responsible for any and all damages resulting from the event. Damages will be assessed and communicated to the Event Host by the Public Services Department following a rental. The cost to repair any damages to park(s) and/or facilities will be the responsibility of the Event Host.

Events such as parades, marathons, triathlons, relay races, etc. where the route consists of roads or trails must:

  • Seek approval from the Public Services Department.
  • Comply with all terms and conditions determined by the Public Services Department.
  • For cycling events, Event Hosts must require that all riders wear approved helmets.
  • Event hosts must obtain a minimum of $2 million liability insurance naming the Corporation of the Township of South Frontenac as additionally insured.

In addition to the Facility Booking Form, Event Hosts shall include a number of extra attachments in order to complete an application:

  • A letter from the organization sanctioning the event, identifying the Chief Official and/or Commissionaire, and the number of marshals along with their location throughout the event;
  • A complete a site plan that includes a traffic management plan, any road closures, and start/finish diagrams.
  • Complete the temporary road closure request form - available upon request.

Email to get the process started.

If you plan on using a trail as part of your event, connect with the appropriate manager directly for event approval.

  • A water safety plan must be included if an event will be using a lake or any other body of water accessible by Township of South Frontenac property.
  • Requests for lifeguards can be made by contacting the Public Services Department. Email to get the process started.
  • Check out our Parks page for a description of our parks and beaches, or visit the Boat Launches page for all water access information.


  • Fireworks bought and ignited by anyone other than licensed technicians on municipal property are strictly prohibited and will result in fines as well as immediate termination of the rental agreement.
  • Display fireworks may be permitted at some parks upon approval from the South Frontenac Fire Department and Public Services Department. These are large-scale fireworks that may only be purchased by licensed technicians. This type of display also requires liability insurance and on-site inspection from the Fire Department in accordance with the Ontario Fire Code.
  • Firework detonation site and viewing area must be included in a submitted site plan.
  • Permission for fireworks may be revoked at any time by the South Frontenac Fire Department or the Public Services Department.


Campfires on municipal property is regulated through municipal by-laws, therefore a by-law exemption will need to be obtained through Council. Recreation staff can assist with the request. Please give ample time for the request to go through to Council. 

  • Campfire locations must be included in a submitted site plan.
  • Permission for campfires may be revoked at any time by the South Frontenac Fire Department or the Public Services Department. 

  • At the discretion of the Public Services Department, Event Hosts may be required to provide certified first aid service on-site during the operating hours of the event through a qualified emergency service.
  • All First Aid Stations must be clearly marked with appropriate signage.
  • All First Aid Stations must be included in a submitted site plan.
  • Frontenac County Paramedic Services provides event coverage. Visit their website for more information.

  • All food and beverage served or sold must be approved, monitored, and inspected by KFL&A Public Health Services. Confirmation of a Special Event Permit is required by the Township at least one week prior to any events that will have food or beverage vendors. KFL&A Public Health requires applications to be submitted at least 14 days prior to the event. The permit is required for all food and beverage vendors and producers, including vendor booths and markets.
  • Event Hosts and/or agents must comply with any third party agreements in place at the Township of South Frontenac Facilities.

  • The Township provides garbage receptacles at all municipal parks and facilities, as well as recycling receptacles at most.
  • Event Hosts may request additional receptacles through the Public Services Department.
  • All waste must be removed by the end of a Facility Rental.
  • Additional fees may be applied if the facility is not left in its original state.
  • If you require a pick-up midway through a rental, please contact the Public Services Department. Additional fees may be applied.

Municipal contacts - 613-376-3027

Community contacts

  • Proof of minimum $2,000,000 of third party insurance must be shown two (2) weeks prior to the event listing the Township of South Frontenac as the third party liable.
  • The Township has an existing insurance policy. You can choose to buy into this policy, where fees will be based on a risk assessment. Please email for more details on the existing policy.

  • All lotteries, which include but are not limited to raffles, cash, 50/50 draws, bingo and Nevada ticket sales, require a separate license from the AGCO, which can be obtained through the Township.
  • The Township may attach terms and conditions, in addition to those established by the AGCO, provided that they do not conflict with provincial terms and conditions or policies.

The Township may be able to assist with marketing and promotion of your event. The Township uses multiple mediums to connect with the local community including:

  • Events Calendar - Submit your event to the Community Events Calendar on our website.
  • Social Media - The Township's social media accounts are followed by thousands of full-time and seasonal residents.
  • List your event in our 25 Things to Do in South Frontenac quarterly publication
  • Township digital sign in the heart of Sydenham.

For help promoting your event, email

  • The facility is to be used only on the dates and hours indicated, and excessive noise shall not exceed 11:00 pm except on Sunday when the noise will be reduced by 9:00 pm.
  • The use of municipal parks and excessive noise is regulated through municipal by-laws. Requests must be submitted a minimum of four weeks in advance. Recreation staff can assist with the request. Email to get the process started. 

  • Parking is allowed in designated areas only. Parking is prohibited on grass or in park areas. Damage to fields, parks, or other green spaces will be remediated at the expense of the Event Host.
  • Event Hosts are responsible for ensuring there is sufficient parking, signage is effective and parking enforcement is arranged.
  • Event Hosts are responsible for arranging off-site parking and shuttle services to the event if needed.

The Event Host shall ensure:

  • That the Frontenac OPP are contacted and informed of the event not less than thirty (30) days prior to the event.
  • All requests made by the OPP are complied with. This can include but is not limited to the hiring of additional paid duty officers.
  • Sufficient information and confirmation of OPP requests are communicated to Recreation staff.

Public access must be made available to all parks, playgrounds, and boat ramps that are not included in the Facility Rental Agreement. Blockage of these spaces may result in termination of the rental agreement.

  • The cost of rental will depend on the facility booked, length of agreement and amenity’s/services used. 
  • Fees for a Facility Booking are payable two (2) weeks in advance of the rental. Key and clean-up deposits will be accepted by the Booking Clerk and refunded following the event upon satisfaction of terms and conditions listed in the rental agreement.
  • Payments may be made at 2490 Keeley Road where cash, cheque or debit will be accepted. Cheques must be made payable to the “Township of South Frontenac”.
  • All fees are non-refundable unless otherwise approved by the Public Services Department.
  • The Township of South Frontenac offers in-kind grants to non-profit groups and organizations that host public events that are well aligned with the Township’s strategic priorities. Please contact the Public Services Department for more information and to see if your event qualifies.
  • Cancellations and Refunds: The Township reserves the right to cancel any scheduled event:
    • When the facility is needed for an event of municipal significance;
    • In order to ensure public safety; or
    • In the sole opinion of the Township, if the Event Host fails to comply with the requirements of the rental agreement, applicable by-laws, or for any other reason the Township deems appropriate.

  • Any road closures of one or both lanes require a Temporary Road Closure Review Request through the Public Services Department on the South Frontenac website. Public Services will provide barriers, pylons, and required signage. Additional fees may apply.
  • All emergency services must be notified of a road closure.
  • All road closures must be included a submitted site plan.
  • For a parade event considering police or fire marshals presence to further alert traffic of high volumes of pedestrians is highly recommended.
  • A public notice must be posted one (1) week prior to the parade alerting traffic of the upcoming distraction.

  • The Township does not have additional portable toilets to supplement existing washroom facilities. Any additional portable toilets must be rented at the Event Host’s expense through a private vendor.
  • Expected attendance, location, and event features will determine if additional portable toilets will be required. Please coordinate with Recreation staff to determine if additional sanitary facilities will be required. Email for more information.
  • Placement of portable toilets must be included on a submitted site plan.

  • The Township of South Frontenac regulates the use of promotional signs under by-law 2000-01 Schedule G (pg 34-41).
  • Under the aforementioned by-law, the Township requires a permit through the Public Services Department and a monthly rental agreement for all signage. The signage must comply with guidelines set out in the by-law or will be de-constructed at the expense of the renter.
  • Free temporary signs may be erected without permission or fee under the conditions listed in by-law 2000-01 Schedule G (pg 34-41). Please speak with the Public Services Department to determine if your event falls within the by-law.
  • Staking on Township concrete or asphalt to erect signs or the like is prohibited.

  • A site plan is required for all large scale events.
  • A site plan may be hand drawn but must be legible and realistic in scaling.
  • Site plans must include:
    • First aid stations
    • tents
    • portable washrooms
    • parking
    • additional event elements, depending on activities planned

Sample Site Plan:

Smoking on Township property is prohibited under municipal by-laws and provincial legislation.

Smoke-Free Ontario Act

Where You Can't Smoke or Vape in Ontario

See our Awards and Certificates page for information about recognition from various dignitaries for milestone birthdays or anniversaries.

  • The Ontario Building Code requires building permits to be issued for a tent or a group of tents that exceed 60 m2 (646 sq. ft.).
  • A tent or group of tents are exempt from the requirement to obtain a permit provided they are:
    • not more than 60 m2 in aggregate ground area;
    • not attached to a building; and
    • constructed more than 3 meters from other structures.
  • Building permits can be obtained by application to the Township’s Development Services - Building Department.
  • Tents that are not used for personal camping or that are larger than 30 m2 must meet flame resistant requirements of the Ontario Fire Code.
  • There will be NO staking on Township concrete or asphalt surfaces. Please plan accordingly and avoid erecting tents in these areas.
  • All tents must be included in the Site Plan.

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