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Grant Programs

The Township of South Frontenac recognizes the valuable contributions of community organizations and volunteer groups who make South Frontenac a great place to live. We help and support these groups through our grant programs.

Community grants provide funds to organizations and events that enrich the quality of life within the Township. There are four grant streams: operating, capital, event sponsorship and community asset. The maximum amount you can apply for is $2,500 except for a capital grant where the maximum is $5,000.  

We are now accepting applications until July 31, 2024 for our Community Grant Program. See the Community Grant Program Policy for full details and to ensure your project and organization meets the guidelines. 

You can apply by using the form below by mail, email, or in person (or using the drop box), to:

Township of South Frontenac
Box 100, 4432 George St.,
Sydenham, ON, K0H 2T0
c/o Director of Corporate Services & Treasurer

Application Form (Word)

 Application Form (fillable PDF)

All applications will be reviewed by a committee then go before Council for approval.

Note groups that receive funding are required to submit a Final Report after the project is complete or by end of year at the latest.

Read about some of the 2023 projects that were funded.

The Private Lane Upgrade Assistance Program provides grants for residents who live on private lanes to upgrade their lane to improve access for emergency vehicles. The Township may fund up to 50% of approved projects to a maximum of $7,000. Funds can only be used towards capital lane upgrades, not regular maintenance (see the list of eligible and ineligible items in the application).

The intake for 2024 is now closed. The application deadline was Friday, May 17, 2024. See the Private Lane Upgrade Program page for details.

Our Lake Ecosystem Grant Program supports projects focused on encouraging the preservation, restoration, monitoring and analysis of lake ecosystems within South Frontenac.

These grants provide funding to lake associations and non-profit organizations looking to make positive changes within their lake ecosystem. This includes projects that reduce or limit diffuse point source runoff caused by human disturbance of the land, create or increase shoreline buffer zones, protect or enhance wildlife habitat, and monitor lake health. Other projects that benefits lake ecosystems may also be considered.

The Lake Ecosystem Grant Program is designed to fund projects up to $10,000, with larger requests considered on an exceptional basis. Priority will be given to projects that have the greatest positive impact on the health and welfare of lake ecosystems in South Frontenac. Project proposals may involve an entire lake, multiple water bodies, or other upstream and downstream components. Read about some of the 2023 projects that were funded. 

We are now accepting applications for our 2024 Lake Ecosystem Grant Program. Applicants are encouraged to read the grant program policy to make sure their project meets the criteria before applying. The deadline for applications is August 9, 2024

You can apply by using the form below by mail, email, or in person (or using the drop box), to:

Township of South Frontenac
Box 100, 4432 George St.,
Sydenham, ON, K0H 2T0
c/o Christine Woods, Senior Planner

Application form (Word doc)

Application form (fillable PDF)

For questions relating to the Lake Ecosystem Grant program, please contact Christine Woods, Senior Planner, at 613-376-3027 ext. 2221, or via email at

Past Grant Programs

In recognition of the impacts on residents and businesses experienced in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Council took the significant step of allocating $250,000 in the 2021 budget to upcoming targeted recovery and relief programs. With only $79,513.65 of the $170,000 allocation spent on the first round, Council approved a second intake for eligible applicants. 

Administered by Frontenac Business Services located in Harrowsmith, applications can be obtained on their website. 

Modernization and PPE Grants

Provides up to $2,500 to qualifying South Frontenac businesses on a 50/50 cost share basis to purchase and adopt digital tools and technologies and equipment that will enable the company to transform or pivot their business.   The funding program also includes 50% contribution towards training and PPE costs.


To be eligible, your business must be located in South Frontenac as of March 1, 2020.  Only those applications that are fully completed will be considered for funding.  The minimum project size is $2,000 ($1,000 refundable) to a maximum of $5,000 ($2,500 refundable).

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