South Frontenac Township Designates Long-Term Employee, Stephanie Kuca, to Director of Finance Position
Stephanie Kuca, a dedicated 15-year employee of the Township, has been appointed as South Frontenac Township’s new Director of Finance.
Stephanie’s deep knowledge of Township operations, policies, and practices, combined with her experience and education, makes her an invaluable asset in this strategic leadership role. Bringing 15 years of dedicated service to the Township, having previously held numerous positions within the Finance Department, and for the last eight years, as Deputy Treasurer, Stephanie is positioned well to lead the department.
“Stephanie has demonstrated a commitment to the Township and to continuous learning,” says Chief Administrative Officer Louise Fragnito. “Her extensive knowledge of Township processes and policies, as well as her leadership skills, will make this transition seamless. We are very fortunate to have her on our team to help guide the financial sustainability and management of the Township.”
Sustaining our efficient and prudent financial management will help South Frontenac to achieve long-term goals from our strategic plan and will provide a clear picture of future needs and opportunities.
“I am very excited for this opportunity. I’m looking forward to expanding my role and diving into the work,” says Kuca. “I’ve been with the Township for 15 years and feel great pride working with such a solid team. I feel passionate about this great community, and I look forward to continuing to serve South Frontenac in this role.”
Mayor Ron Vandewal and council are also excited with Stephanie’s new role. “Council is delighted that Stephanie has been appointed as the new Director of Finance,” says Mayor Ron Vandewal. “I know I speak for all of council when I say that Stephanie has earned this promotion, and we look forward to working together. With her vast knowledge of Township assets, her education in municipal accounting, finance, and tax administration she will help maintain the strong financial position that we proudly hold today.”
Contact Us
Township of South Frontenac
4432 George St. Box 100
Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0
T: 613-376-3027
F: 613-376-6657
TF: 1.800-559-5862
(if calling within the 613 area code)
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