Notice of Public Meeting South Frontenac Official Plan Review

The Council of the Township of South Frontenac will hold a virtual and in-person Public Meeting to inform the public about the Official Plan Review under the authority of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P13.
- Date: Tuesday, August 13, 2024
- Time: 7 pm
- Location: Virtual (Zoom) and in-person at 4432 George Street, Sydenham
The purpose of the Public Meeting is to present the new Township of South Frontenac Draft Official Plan to Council and the public. This will include an overview of draft communal servicing policy for Council and the public to provide input that will be taken into consideration of the final Official Plan.
The Township of South Frontenac Draft Official Plan updates the Township’s vision for the future, ensures consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 issued under the Planning Act, and the County of Frontenac Official Plan. The Draft Official Plan is a long-range planning document containing goals, objectives, and policies to guide land use, development, and growth in the Township to 2046.
The Draft New Official Plan will apply to all lands within the municipal boundary of the Township of South Frontenac so no key map is included in this Notice. Comments to be considered at the public meeting should be submitted in writing by noon, August 12, 2024 to the Clerk.
Members of the public may review the agenda and register to participate in the meeting via Zoom or in person. Contact James Thompson, Clerk at or by phone at 613-376-3027 for more information.
Contact Us
Township of South Frontenac
4432 George St. Box 100
Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0
T: 613-376-3027
F: 613-376-6657
TF: 1.800-559-5862
(if calling within the 613 area code)
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