Winter Maintenance
Winter Patrol starts in early November from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. every day of the week. The Township follows the Minimum Maintenance Standards for dispatch times on winter events.
View the Winter Control Plan approved by Council and the basis for the Township of South Frontenac's winter maintenance activities.
To help our road crews keep roads clear and safe, there is no parking of vehicles on Township roads and village streets from 12:00 am to 7:00 am from December 1 to March 31.
The Township isn't responsible for damages to recycle boxes, parked cars or other obstacles that interfere with winter road maintenance.
Resident and independent operator snowplowing
Township residents and independent snowplow operators are reminded that it is a violation of the Highway Traffic Act to blow or push snow onto the travel portion of the road or right-of-way without permission in writing from the road authority responsible for the maintenance of the road. This practice can result in unsafe conditions.
Winter operations and mailboxes
- We will replace or repair mailboxes and mountings if, in the opinion of our Public Services Department, the damage was caused by Township snow maintenance equipment.
- If the box is damaged, we'll straighten it. If the box is beyond repair, we'll provide a replacement.
- Replacements will be made if the damage is caused only by contact with the plow equipment itself. The replacement cost will be limited to the cost of a standard box and/or post.
- If the damaged mailbox has a post that is not damaged by coming in contact with the plow, the Township will supply a new mailbox but not a new post.
- If the damaged mailbox has a post that was heavily deteriorated before the incident, South Frontenac will provide a mailbox but not provide a replacement post.
Residents are required to follow Canada Post guidance on mailbox specifications for installation.
Sand/salt mix available to residents
Did you know that each of our Public Services yards have a sand/salt mix available for use by South Frontenac residents?!
You can pick up sand 24/7 at any of the following garages (outside the main gates):
- 2490 Keeley Rd, Sydenham
- 3910 Battersea Rd, Sunbury
- 5286 Hinchinbrooke Rd, Hartington
- 1389 Westport Rd, Godfrey
**Please note that there is a maximum of two (2) x five (5) gallon containers, and you should bring your own shovel.
Contact Us
Township of
South Frontenac
Public Services Dept
2490 Keeley Rd
Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0
T: 613-376-3027
TF: 1.800-559-5862
(if calling within the
613 area code)
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