Fire Prevention
Cooking is the #1 cause of residential fires in Ontario
Many fire injuries and deaths are caused by:
- Unattended cooking and distractions
- Loose clothing and articles near the stove
- Children playing near the stove
- Attempting to extinguish a grease fire with water
- Attempting to cook while under the influence of drugs and alcohol
Always make sure to:
- Stay in the kitchen and pay attention when cooking
- Drink responsibly when cooking
- If a fire occurs, get out immediately and call 911
Carbon monoxide alarms
Homes that heat with any fuel source other than electricity and homes with an attached garage must have a working carbon monoxide alarm adjacent to each sleeping area of the home. Here are some tips on how to remain safe from carbon monoxide poisoning:
- Install at least one CSA-6.19.01 approved carbon monoxide alarm outside all sleeping areas. For additional protection, install a CO alarm on every storey.
- Check the expiry date of existing CO alarms and replace any devices that are more than 10 years old or have exceeded the manufacturer's expiry date.
- Have a licensed technician inspect your fuel burning appliances (eg., furnace, range, fireplace, water heater) annually to ensure they are in proper working order and vented correctly.
- For families with older parents or relatives, help them inspect their CO alarms.
- Replace batteries in your CO alarm annually or opt for models with 10-year sealed lithium batteries that never need to be changed.
- In the event a CO alarm sounds, get everyone out of the house, stay out, and call 911! Exposure to CO reduces your ability to think clearly, so never delay if your alarm goes off and you sense a problem. Do not open windows.
- For seasonal properties, install fresh batteries when you open your seasonal property including homes, cottages, and trailers. 10-year sealed battery devices that have been subject to freezing over the winter will not be reliable in the spring.
Please see these links for further information: FAQ's, Letter from Fire Marshal and CO Alarm Regulations.
Only working smoke alarms save lives!

- FACT: Smoke alarms can increase your chances of surviving a fire by 50%! Download our brochure to learn more.
- Ontario law requires that working smoke alarms be located on every story of the home and outside all sleeping areas. Failure to comply with the Fire Code smoke alarm requirements could result in a ticket for $235 or a fine up to $50,000 for individuals or $100,000 for corporations
- Test smoke alarms monthly
- Change the battery in each smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector every six months or whenever the low-battery warning sounds
- Vacuum the exterior of the smoke alarm using the soft bristle attachment on the vacuum cleaner
- Replace smoke alarms that are more than ten years old
- If a smoke alarm frequently goes off when you're cooking or using the shower, do NOT remove the battery or disconnect the power source. Try moving the smoke alarm, purchasing a smoke alarm with a hush feature, or replacing ionization alarms located near kitchens with photoelectric alarms
- Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for installing, testing & maintaining smoke alarms
- Develop and practice a home fire escape plan with everyone in household
For more information please visit the Office of the Fire Marshal.
Fireworks safety
Follow these safety tips for a fun but safe family fireworks display. If you are planning a larger community fireworks display, you need to request permission for a special or significant event through Council.
Remember, fire prevention is everyone's responsibility!
Contact Us
South Frontenac
Fire and Rescue
Mailing address:
4432 George St. Box 100
Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0
T: 613-376-3027
TF: 1.800-559-5862
(if calling within the
613 area code)
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