Dogs and Animal Services
Please report all dog and animal complaints to Frontenac Municipal Law Enforcement at 613-541-3213.
Our Dog Control By-Law requires all dogs over the age of two months to be registered with the Township and licensed. Dog tags help in the fast and safe return of your pet if it gets lost. They also help in cases where there are issues with dogs running loose or causing a nuisance and we need to identify the owner.
We offer Early Bird pricing of just $15 for dog tags during the months of December, January and February. We'll mail licensed dog owners on file registration forms for the following year in November. Residents can buy dog tags during the early bird pricing window from our Township offices After March 1, the cost increases to $30 and can only be purchased at the Township office. You can bring completed forms in, or just fill out the registration form when you purchase your tag in person.
Kennel Licenses
Kennel Licenses are required where there are six dogs or more being boarded or lodged. Kennel licenses cost $125 until February 28 or $150 after March 1 and must be purchased at our 4432 George Street office.
Be a Responsible Dog Owner
- Dogs must be on a leash at all times, except when they are on your property, at an off-leash dog park or on the property of someone who has given permission for them to be off-leash
- Dogs must be licensed and wearing their dog tag
- Please poop and scoop after your pet
This table shows the common fines for by-law violations for pet owners. You can see the full schedule of fines here.
Violation | Penalty |
Dog not registered by March 1 | $150 |
Valid tag not affixed to dog | $100 |
Permit dog to be a public nuisance | $150 |
Permit dog to run at large | $150 |
Failure to comply with Off Leash Dog Park rules | $200 |
The Animals at Large By-Law prohibits animals trespassing or at large. The Zoning By-law specifies zones where it is permitted to have chickens.
By-law Complaints
Frontenac Municipal Law Enforcement is contracted by the Township of South Frontenac to provide by-law enforcement services for animal control and other by-law complaints. To submit a complaint, please use the form on this page. If the complaint is urgent or you require assistance during the evening or weekend, please contact Frontenac Municipal Law Enforcement at 613-541-3213. This is an answering service only so please leave specific details and call back information.
Any dog without a tag or any dog whose owner can't be reached, will be impounded at the Kingston Humane Society. The owner will be responsible for any fees.
Lost Dogs
If you have lost your dog, please call Frontenac Municipal Law Enforcement at 613-541-3213 and leave your name, phone number and details about your lost dog. You can also contact Kingston Humane Society at (613) 546-1291.
Off-leash Dog Park
Centennial Park, 4500 Centennial Park Road in Harrowsmith has an off-leash dog park. There are rules posted at the park. Dog owners are asked to respect them and have fun!
Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program
Through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food's Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program, livestock and poultry producers in South Frontenac can submit a claim to the Township for livestock losses caused by attacks by wildlife. If you believe your livestock or poultry has been killed or injured due to a wildlife predator:
Immediately notify Joe Redden, Livestock Valuer for the Township at 613-372-0675.
- Do not remove the carcass from the attack site as the Livestock Valuer will want to examine the area for evidence to help determine the cause of the loss.
- The Livestock Valuer will come on site to investigate and submit a written report within ten days to the Township. A copy of the report will be provided to you. The report will provide details regarding the extent of the damage to the livestock or poultry and the amount of compensation claim awarded.
If you do not agree with the municipal valuer's report, you may appeal to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), in writing, within 30 days of receiving the valuer's report. A cheque or money order for $25, payable to the "Minister of Finance" must accompany the appeal. The $25 fee will be refunded, if the appeal is upheld.
Bears and Wildlife
Bears want to avoid humans. Most encounters are not aggressive and attacks are rare. Visit our Wildlife Safety page or the Ministry of Natural Resources website for more information or call 1-866-514-2327 to report a bear sighting. Any concerns about nuisance wildlife (coyotes, foxes, bears) should be directed to the Ministry at 1-800-667-1940.
Contact Us
Township of South Frontenac
4432 George St. Box 100
Sydenham ON, K0H 2T0
T: 613-376-3027
F: 613-376-6657
TF: 1.800-559-5862
(if calling within the 613 area code)
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