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South Frontenac owns and operates ten municipal cemeteries under license # 3269871, as assigned by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO). For cemetery sales and administration, contact Lucy Robinson, 613-376-3027 or

Cemetery sales

Total Sale Price of Lot - $1,250 + HST (This fee includes $500 for Perpetual Care) 

Corner Stones (4)  - $150 + HST

Cremation plots are only available at the Verona and Harrowsmith cemeteries. 

Total Sale Price of Lot - $625 + HST (This fee includes $250 for Perpetual Care)

 Open/Close Adult - $500 + HST

 Open/Close Child - $175 + HST

 Cremation - $200 + HST

Winter Interment - $400 + HST

Corner Stone - $75 + HST

Casket - $1,500 + HST

Casket in Vault - $2,000 + HST

Transfer of Rights - $150 + HST

Cemetery guidelines and administration

Each cemetery is governed by a specific by-law and is operated by a Cemetery Board. You can view the By-laws for the district cemeteries below. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Do not plant flowers, plants or shrubs without the express permission of the cemetery Board. The Board is not responsible for maintaining plants or other items placed on a lot or plot.
  • Artificial flowers and wreaths are prohibited from May 1-Oct 31
  • The use of nails, wires, wooden crosses, glass, pottery or any items that could be broken and cause personal injury to visitors or ground works is prohibited
  • Do not change the grade of a lot or plot or the level or positioning of markers without Board approval
  • Do not write upon or deface any markers, railing, fences or other structures on cemetery property.

The by-laws have been approved by the Registrar, Cemeteries Act (Revised). For information on the consumer-protection information booklet, please refer to the Consumer Information Guide on the BAO's website. For information on the administration of cemeteries in Ontario, please refer to Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act.

Family history search requests

If you have questions on your family history or need help finding a family grave, please see these sites:

Commemorative Amenity and Tree Planting Program

South Frontenac Township invites individuals, organizations, or service clubs to leave a legacy by installing an amenity such as a bench, table, or other structure or planting a tree at a park, greenspace, or cemetery in South Frontenac. The gift may honour a loved one, an experience, an organization, or to recognize an important event or milestone. 

For more information and to apply to the program, please visit our Parks and Beaches page.

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