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Community Grant Projects

The Township offers grants to community groups that enrich the quality of life in South Frontenac. Not for profit community organizations who meet the project guidelines can apply during certain grant windows each year for funds. See our Grant Programs page for details.

Fourteen projects were funded in 2023 for a total of $41,895:

  • Battersea United Church: $1,500 to buy new tables
  • Bellrock Community Hall: $5,000 for building upgrades
  • Frontenac County Plowmen’s Association: $1,500 sponsorship of 2023 Frontenac County Plowing Match
  • Frontenac Farmers Market: $2,500 to help revitalize the market
  • Frontenac Society of Model Engineers: $3,780 towards the purchase of a passenger car and upgrades to their storage facility.
  • Loughborough Firefighters Association: $2,000 sponsorship of the Sydenham Santa Claus parade
  • New Leaf Link (NeLL): $2,197 Open Houses sponsorship
  • South Frontenac Museum: $2,500 to hire a cataloguing assistant
  • South Frontenac Stocksport Club: $2,500 sponsorship of the America Cup of Stocksport event
  • Harrowsmith District Social and Athletic Club: $5,000 grant for hall renovations and new sign
  • Storrington Lions Club: $5,000 to install an accessible door and ramp and $2,500 sponsorship of Breakfast with Santa event
  • Sydenham Lake Canoe Club: $918 towards new shelter tents
  • Wintergreen Studios: $5,000 towards the building of a sustainable cabin

For more information on funding windows and criteria, visit

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