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Current Planning Applications

Below is a compiled list of all of the current planning applications awaiting a public meeting or a council or staff decision.  

To provide written comments, or for more information on these matters, contact:

Kate Kaestner

Planning Clerk
Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment
P.O. Box 100, Sydenham, Ontario, K0H 2T0

To register for a Committee of Adjustment or Council Meeting, please register using the registration link for the meeting on our Events Calendar.

To secure your in-person attendance at a Committee of Adjustment meeting, please contact Kate Kaestner, Planning Clerk & Secretary-Treasurer, Committee of Adjustment at 613-376-3027 or

To secure your in-person attendance at a Council meeting, please contact James Thompson, Clerk at 613-376-3027 or

Consent Applications

Application Details

Subject Property Address: 1016 Bernie's Lane

Purpose and Effect of the Applications:

Consent to create three recreational properties together with the necessary right-of-way over Bernie's Lane. The severed parcels would be 1 hectare in size with at least 76 metres of frontage on Bernie's Lane and at least 115 metres of frontage on Otter Lake. Parcels A and B are vacant. Parcel C contains a cottage. The retained parcel would be 4 hectares in size with 162 metres of waterfrontage.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Application Details:

Subject Property Address: 3024 Orser Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

Consent to sever a rural residential lot.  The severed parcel would be 12 acres in area with 150 metres frontage on Orser Road.  It would contain an existing house and several accessory buildings.  The vacant retained parcel would be 78 acres in area with 200 metres frontage on Orser Road

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027. or

Application Details:

Subject Property Address: Sands Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

The application seeks consent to sever for the purpose of creating one new rural lot addition. The proposed 12 acres lot addition would be conveyed from the unaddressed subject lands fronting on Sands Road (ARN: 102906004010300) to 4293 Milburn Road. The benefitting lands (4293 Milburn Road) will increase in area to 22 acres and would maintain its existing 185m of frontage on Milburn Road. The retained lands would be 51 acres in area with 52m of frontage on Sands Road. 

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027. or

Application Details:

Subject Property Address: 1146 Devil Lake Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

The applications seek consent to sever for the purpose of creating two new rural residential lots. Severance 1 (PL-BDJ-2024-0136) would have approximately 22Ac of area and 130m of frontage on Devil Lake Road. Severance 2 (PL-BDJ-2024-0137) would have approximately 28Ac of area and 172m of frontage on Devil Lake Road. The retained parcel would have approximately 32Ac of area with 182m of frontage on Devil Lake Road, and would contain the existing dwelling on the subject property. 

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027. or

Application Details:

Subject Property Address: 4255 Camden Portland Boundary Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

Application PL-BDJ-2025-0006 is for a 2 acre lot addition to adjacent lands at 4275 Camden Portland Boundary Road.  Application PL-BDJ-2025-0007 is for the creation of a new rural residential lot north of #4275.  The new lot would be 6.5 acres in size with 175m frontage.  The retained lands (4255 Camden Portland Boundary Road) would be 75 acres in size with 200m frontage.  They are developed with a house and several accessory buildings.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027. or

Application Details:

Subject Property Address: Sands Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

Consent to sever a rural residential lot.  The severed parcel would be 6 acres in area with 120m frontage on Cottage Road.  The retained parcel would be approximately 95 acres in area with 300m frontage on Cottage Road, and more than 1000m frontage on Everett Lane.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027. or

Application Details:

Subject Property Address: 3393 McConnell Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

The application is seeking consent to sever for the purpose of creating one new rural residential lot. The proposed severed parcel would be 2.2Ac in area with 125m of frontage on McConnell Road. The retained parcel would be 13.7Ac in with 389m of frontage on McConnell Road. 

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Application Details:

Subject Property Address: 4996 Battersea Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

The application is for a one acre lot addition to the rear of 4958 Battersea Road.  This property is a residential property.  The retained lands (4996 Battersea Road) would be 4 acres in size with 88m frontage.  This property is an industrial property.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Application Details:

Subject Property Address: 4231 Battersea Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

Consent to create one rural residential lot.  The vacant severed parcel would be 3.7 acres with 76 metres frontage on Battersea Road.  The retained parcel would be 107 acres with 109 metres frontage.  The retained parcel is developed with a house, a garage, a barn and several small sheds.

Additional Applications: The lands are subject to Zoning Amendment Application PL-ZBA-2024-0116.

Application Details:

Subject Property Address: 3590 Harrowsmith Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

The application is for a 3 acre lot addition to be conveyed from 3590 Harrowsmith Road to 3576 Harrowsmith Road. If approved, #3576 is proposed to be 10 acres and #3590 will be 74 acres in remaining area. 

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027. or

Minor Variance Applications

Public Meeting Details

Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and In-Person (Storrington Centre)

Subject Property Address: 4978 Alex McLean Lane

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

The applicant proposes to demolish the house and garage on the property and to construct a new house and detached garage.  The house would be 26m from the highwater mark of Loughborough Lake to the south and 17m from the highwater mark to the east.  A minor variance is being requested to allow the house to be setback less than the 30m from the highwater mark required by the Zoning By-law.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting Kate Kaestner, Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027. or

Public Meeting Details

Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and In-Person (Storrington Centre)

Subject Property Address: 1125 James Wilson Road

Purpose and Effect of the Application:

To request permission under section 45(2) of the planning act to enlarge the legal non-conforming dwelling within 30m of the highwater mark of Canoe Lake. The applicant proposes to enlarge the existing 142sqm dwelling with attached deck. The proposed enlargement would involve renovating and adding area to the existing main floor (primarily the eastern side), adding a partial second storey above the renovated eastern side, and screening in a portion of the renovated attached deck on the western side. The enlarged dwelling would have a gross floor area of ~272sqm, a building height of 10m, and would be setback ~24.8m from the highwater mark, with the attached deck being setback ~19.1m.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting Kate Kaestner, Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027. or

Zoning By-law Amendment Applications

Public Meeting Details

Date: Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and In-Person (Council Chambers)

Subject Property Address: 162 Campground Lane

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed By-law:

The application proposes to amend the zoning of the property to facilitate the development of tourist and event facilities on the property including a 4-room hotel, a lodge space with a restaurant and conference centre, four 1-bedroom cabins, three 2-bedroom cabins, and associated parking and amenity areas. The subject property is a former children's camp and is currently zoned Recreation Resort Commercial Special Exception (RRC-25). The application will amend the zoning of the property to permit additional uses to facilitate the proposed development. Site specific performance standards are also proposed to permit the development of some of the cabins in the area of existing development within the 30m setback of Bobs Lake.

Additional Applications: The lands are not subject to any additional applications. 

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027 or

Public Meeting Details

Date: Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and In-Person (Storrington Centre)

Subject Property Address: 6231 Battersea Road

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed By-law:

The subject property is beside a licensed quarry. The Zoning By-law does not allow new residential uses within 300m of a quarry.  A new residential land use may be allowed on lands between 300m and 500m of a quarry.  The purpose of the proposed by-law is to allow a new residential land use to be less than 300m from the neighbouring quarry.  The effect of the proposed by-law would be to allow a proposed building lot to be 277m from the quarry. 


Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027 or

Public Meeting Details

Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and In-Person (Storrington Centre)

Subject Property Address: 6231 Battersea Road

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed By-law:

The RLSW-1 zone requires this property to have a minimum 10 hectares (24.7 ac) lot area, and has restrictions on building locations. The Owners desire to sever the existing cottage from the rest of the property.  The purpose of the proposed by-law is to allow a cottage lot to be 3.6 hectares in size with 24 metres frontage on Little Deer Lane. The purpose is also to place the rest of the property in a special Rural zone that would limit uses to those that do not require a building such as conservation uses and a wood lot.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027 or

Public Meeting Details

Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and In-Person (Storrington Centre)

Subject Property Address: 6231 Battersea Road

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed By-law:

The proposal is to change the zone on lands subject to application PL-BDJ-2024-0053. The consent application was granted provision approval subject to conditions by the Director of Development Services on August 19, 2024. One condition requires the retained lands to be rezoned from Rural (RU) to Limited Service Residential Waterfront (RLSW). The rezoning to an RLSW zone would acknowledge that the severed parcel no longer contains frontage on a public road. 

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027 or

Public Meeting Details

Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Virtual Meeting (Zoom) and In-Person (Storrington Centre)

Subject Property Address: 1125, 1127 1137 Willy's Lane

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed By-law:

The subject property is 220 acres on Fourteen Island Lake with access by Willy's Lane. There are six cottages on this property.  The Owner desires to sever two lots containing three of the cottages and their accessory buildings from the rest of the property.  The purpose of the proposed by-law is to change the zone from RU to RLSW to acknowledge that the two proposed lots would be accessed by a private lane, to acknowledge that one of the lots would have two cottages and four sleeping cabins, and to allow one of the lots to be one acre in size.

Additional information regarding the application is available by contacting the Planning Clerk at 613-376-3027 or

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