· Adfreezing: the process where soil sticks to a foundation unit because the water in the soil freezes. This is also called “frost grip.”
· Alloyed Zinc: A zinc alloy with 0.15% titanium, 0.74% copper, and 99.11% zinc. It has corrosion resistance and physical properties that allow it to form watertight joints.
· Back pressure: Pressure that exceeds the supply pressure.
· Braced wall panel: A section of a wood-frame wall designed and built to resist lateral forces from wind or earthquakes through bracing, sheathing, cladding, or interior finishes.
· Braced wall band: An imaginary, continuous and straight band that runs in a vertical and horizontal line through a building and where braced wall panels are placed.
· Mechanically vented (referring to a fuel-fired space-or water-heating appliance): An appliance where a mechanical device fully vents combustion products outdoors. The venting system vents these products upstream or downstream from the combustion system. The segment downstream of the combustion system is sealed and does not include draft hoods or draft controls.
· Protected floor space: A part of a floor area shielded from fire, serving as an exit from an interconnected floor space.
· Rim joist: A structural element that frames the perimeter of the floor and does not include blocking elements or pieces. A rim joist can run parallel, perpendicular, or at an angle to the floor joists.