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NEW! 2024 OBC changes effective January 1, 2025

Click here to learn about important changes to the Ontario Building Code.


Our Building Services team ensures the buildings we work, live and play in are safe. Please note we only accept complete building permit applications. You must submit all required documents and drawings together with your application. Note for most major projects, two sets of drawings are required along with a pdf version.

If you’re missing required documents, or your drawings or site plans are incomplete, we’ll ask you to hold on to your application until you have everything you need to submit your application. This helps you know what’s still outstanding and speeds up the application process if we have everything we need up front. 

Building application fee payment options

  • Cheque payable to Township of South Frontenac
  • Cash, Debit or Credit Card in person in the Development Services office at 3910 Battersea Road in Inverary
  • Cheque via mail or drop box – please clearly identify location of project/owner information with payment, or 
  • Online via credit card (see below). When making payments online, please ensure you use the payment amount and application number that was provided by building staff.

Consultation Meeting for a Building Application Submission

Starting in January 2025, South Frontenac Building Services is excited to offer meetings with applicants to assist with building permit submissions. These sessions are optional and serve as an additional resource for applicants to discuss their proposed projects with our Permit Intake Coordinator. Topics of discussion may include, clarification of processes, assistance in completing your building application, and other matters related to application submission.

A pre-consultation meeting offers valuable support in ensuring that all necessary information is submitted for a building application to be received while adhering to the Ontario Building Code and all applicable laws.

Before Requesting a Pre-Consultation Meeting:

Please ensure you have:

·        Reviewed the applicable building application and checklist (included in the package).

·        Completed the building application forms to the best of your ability.

·       Gathered the required submission materials (please see the Checklist of required documents at the front of the applicable building application package).

Submitting the Meeting Request:

·        Please submit your meeting request at least one week before the desired meeting date to ensure we can accommodate you. If possible, please include all supporting documents.

·       Complete the Pre-application Meeting Request form, detailing the topics for discussion.

·        Ensure your application and project drawings are sufficiently complete to facilitate a productive discussion.

·        Send the Pre-application Meeting Request and supporting documents to our Permit Intake Coordinator at

Once you request a meeting, our Permit Intake Coordinator will review your documentation and arrange a meeting with you. The Township will ensure that the appropriate resources are available to address the submitted questions and facilitate a productive discussion.

Follow Up:

After the meeting, the applicant can address any feedback or additional requirements identified during your discussion before submitting your final building permit application.

These meetings are optional. If your questions do not require an in-person meeting or you are uncertain if a pre-consultation is needed for your proposal, feel free to reach out to our staff informally by calling our office or emailing us at 

NOTE: This is not intended to be a planning consultation. If you require planning advice, please reach out to our planning staff by calling our office or emailing them at 

Building FAQs

  • Building an accessory structure, like a shed or greenhouse, that is over over 15 square meters without plumbing
  • Renovating, repairing or adding to an existing building, including finished basements 
  • Demolishing or removing part or all the building
  • Changing the building’s use or part of it
  • Installing, changing or removing partitions and load-bearing walls
  • Creating or altering doors and windows
  • Constructing a garage, porch, deck, or enclosing an existing one 
  • Making structural changes or building a designated structure 
  • Excavating a basement to increase headroom or construct a foundation
  • Installing or modifying heating, plumbing, and air conditioning systems 
  • Installing or reconstructing chimneys, wood-burning fireplaces, or fireplaces inserts 
  • Adding new plumbing, relocating a hot water tank, or installing a tankless water heater
  • Building a deck larger than 10 square meters (108 square feet or about 10 feet by 10 feet) or two feet above the ground
  • Installing a swimming pool
  • Installing signs

It is not necessary to obtain building permits to perform the work listed below:

  • Detached accessory buildings without plumbing (ex: shed, gazebo, small storage building) not greater than 15 m2, however, compliance with the Township's Zoning By-law for property line setbacks, height restrictions, etc. are required
  • Property fences (except for a swimming pool enclosure)
  • Replacement of existing plumbing fixtures, i.e. sink, water closets - in existing location
  • Kitchen or bathroom cupboards without plumbing
  • Painting, decorating and general minor maintenance
  • Roof shingling, provided there is no structural work being completed
  • Replace existing, doors or windows of the same measurements
  • Replace siding with similar material
  • Building a roofless deck less than two feet above the adjacent grade, unattached to a building, complying with zoning bylaw restrictions.
  • Installing eaves troughs, ensuring drainage remains on your property
  • Temporary tent not more than 60 m2 in aggregate ground area, not attached to a building and 3 m (9'10") from other structures.
  • Electrical work (Contact the Electrical Safety Authority 1-877-372-7233)

Please note, however, you must still comply with the requirements of the Township of South Frontenac Zoning By-law 2003-75 and if applicable, the Ontario Building Code and your local Conservation Authority. Please contact the Townships Planning staff for zoning requirements at 613-376-3027.

South Frontenac fees for 2024 are $17.00 for every $1,000.00 of determined construction value. For example, a project valued at $10,000.00 would be $170.00. Other fees may pertain as well, for ex: plumbing fixtures, development charge, etc. depending on the project.

Applications will be processed in the order in which complete applications are received. The time required to process a permit application is based on quality and completeness, degree of compliance with the Ontario Building Code and current workload of staff. Processing an application and timing is regulated by the Building Code Act. If the application is not complete, it will delay the permit approval process.

When the permit is ready, you will receive an email saying the permit is ready for pick up and payment.

We accept payment via debit, cash, cheque (made payable to the Township of South Frontenac) or credit card (in person or online). We do not accept payments over the phone or by e-transfer.

To submit construction plans, you need to include:

  • All structural framing (walls and materials), floor system layout (beams, joists, etc)
  • Roof truss layout with all dimensions and specifications
  • Elevations of all facades (front, rear, right, left)
  • Exterior finishes, windows, door type, roof slope and finish, stairs, landings, guards and handrails
  • Footings and foundation wall details; Specifications of all floors, wall and roof assemblies, typical cross sections
  • Engineers approval will be required if the proposed on-ground slab is more than 50m2 (538ft2) 

The owner or an agent acting on behalf of the property owner may apply for the permit. The agent must have written permission from the owner to obtain any permits. See link to the Agent/Owner Authorization form.

A site plan is a sketch of the property that shows the location of your project and how close it is to the property lines. 

What should the site plan include?:

  • Dimensions and area of the lot and address and/or legal description, North arrow
  • Location of existing and proposed easements
  • Location of road boundaries, private lane or public road, and dimensions
  • Location, dimension and area of building in relation to the building lot
  • Setbacks/distances between each building, property lines, sewage system and septic tank
  • Location of streams, waterbodies, ditches and substantial differences in grade on land
  • Location of any overhead power lines, location of driveway

A homeowner has a right under the building code to create their own drawings for a Single Family Dwelling or an accessory building. If you feel you have a good working knowledge of construction practices, some knowledge of the Ontario Building Code or experience in construction, you can draw your own plans. Single line pencil drawings are not acceptable. All plans must be drawn to scale in either metric or imperial measurements. Remember, a good set of plans is the best way to see your project completed on time. Incomplete applications or drawings will not be accepted. If the drawings are not up to standard you will be asked to provide the required information (which will hold up the processing of the application) or be asked to have the plans drawn up by a qualified designer.

Once a payment of $103 and a complete civic number application have been received by Building Services, the Township will visit the location and measure/calculate the address number. Public Services will then order and install the proper signage.

An approved Entrance Permit is also required from Public Services if the property is located on a public road. The Township will update internal records and provide the new address to emergency services. The property owner is responsible for notifying all other authorities including Canada Post, and other service providers such as propane/oil companies, etc.

The maintenance of the driveway and the integrity of the civic address signage is the responsibility of the property owner. If the sign gets damaged or stolen, the property owner will need to order a new one at a cost of $103. Poor vehicle access or signage visibility can negatively affect the emergency response to your location. Make sure your signage and property access is clear for emergency services.

Your permit card that you receive upon issuance of your building permit will have the required inspections listed that the property owner or authorized agent should be calling to schedule, along with the phone #/extension you are to call. The Ontario Building Code Act requires that request for inspections are made a minimum 2 regular business days in advance of the regular business day upon which the inspection is needed.

By Provincial law, prescribed scheduled inspections are required to ensure continuous compliance with the Ontario Building Code. By scheduling mandatory inspections, our Building Inspectors are able to work closely with Builders and homeowners, ensuring Building Code compliant work.

Yes, you must post your Building Permit for the duration of construction, in a visible location on-site in order to permit the public and the Building Inspector to view the permit.

A Building Inspector reviews projects during key stages of construction to ensure work complies with the Ontario Building Code and the plans originally submitted for review. The inspector may visit a site several times depending on the project. They must be able to see the work that requires inspection. It is the property owner's or authorized agent responsibility to notify Building Services when they are ready for all required inspections. Our inspectors require a minimum of 48 hours notice to book an inspection.

Yes, you may apply for a Building Permit before you take possession of the house; however, you must provide proof of ownership before the permit can be issued, i.e. copy of deed. If you have bought a house that is in mid project from the previous owner, you must apply for a transfer of permit.

The Township does not regulate electrical installations and thus a Building Permit is not required for work that is exclusively electrical. Information regarding electrical permits and standards should be directed to the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) at 1-877-372-7233.

A permit issued under the Act may be revoked if, in the opinion of the Chief Building Official or his designate, the project has not seriously commenced after a period of six months. Or, in the opinion of the Chief Building Official or his designate, the construction or demolition of the building has been substantially suspended or discontinued for a period of more than one year. If no work has been performed as noticed by the Building Inspector, then a letter will be mailed to the owner to confirm status of the project.

It is unlawful to start construction without the necessary permits. If you start construction without the necessary permit, you may be ordered to stop work, ordered to remove work already done or prosecuted. Contact the Building Department if you are not sure whether you need a permit for your project.

The Building Department cannot give out copies of surveys as they are copyright protected. To obtain a copy of your survey or visit Ontario Land Registry Access to search Ontario Land property records.

Residents can access and view and/or print aerial imagery of their property.

The Building Department does not release information about property ownership. Residents can be provided with the tax roll number and ask at the front reception desk in the Treasury Department to view the roll book pertaining to that property as that is public information.

Any property files the Building Department may have on file are property of South Frontenac Township, not the land/home owner. You may submit a formal Freedom of Information request with the Clerks Department if necessary. Only the property owner that originated the document in question can view the file. Speak with a Building Inspector if you have questions about your property.

Our department can provide basic information only, ex: tax roll #, zoning information, # of acres. Any more detailed information would need to be requested through a lawyer in the form of a Zoning Compliance request at a fee of $97.00 per roll #.

The Building Department does not give out property owner names or contact information to the public.

The Municipality does not conduct pre-purchase inspections. The Building Inspectors only do inspections relating to a building permit issued by the Township of South Frontenac. 

As the new home owner, it is your responsibility to ensure you use the home in a manner that meets the Ontario Building Code. Do not assume the previous owner obtained a building permit before doing renovations to the home.

A building permit is not required to build or replace a property line fence; however, you are required to comply with the South Frontenac Fence By-law 2015-49.

The Fence By-law describes what lawful fences are in the Township, for example woven wire fencing, high tensile wire fencing, barbed wired fencing, cedar rail fencing and special fencing.

By-law 2014-33 also applies to the fencing of pools (which requires a building permit). Please also see Zoning Bylaw 2003-75 section 5.23 regarding Swimming Pool setback requirements.

By-Law 2000-01 states in Schedule G - Guidelines for Signboards (pg. 34-41), that a sign permit must be obtained for the placement or erection of any sign or advertisement device including:

  • permanent signs as in a location sign or field advertising signs
  • ground signs and temporary signs, portable signs, roof signs, wall signs, electronic signs etc.

The erection of signs and signboards and the posting and painting of signs or notices and the exposing of any advertising device upon the highway or within 0.40 kilometres (1/4 mile) is prohibited unless is issued by our Public Services division at 2490 Keeley Road.

Sign permits ensure that sign structures are constructed in a safe manner, and conform to the Township of South Frontenac by-Laws and other applicable requirements.

Development Charges recover the growth-related costs associated with the capital infrastructure needed to service new development. Services include: roads/bridges/highway, fire protection, police services, engineering services/studies, parks & recreation, library services and community based studies. Any questions regarding the potential development charge fee for your residential or commercial/industrial lot can be directed to the Treasury Department

The GST/HST Rebate for New Housing Construction is a program administered by the Government of Canada. For your reference, please find links and telephone numbers to the Government of Canada's Revenue Agency below:

GST/HST New Housing Rebate
Forms Line: 1-800-959-2221
Info Line: 1-800-959-5525

Due to the release of the KFL&A Public Health of their Radon Testing Study where Radon was found to be above the WHO guideline levels in 52% of tested structures and 21% of these structures were above the Health Canada guidelines, South Frontenac Township is proactively addressing radon gas in new low-rise residential dwellings through its Soil Gas Mitigation Program. This program applies to all building permits applied for after August 31, 2019.

Radon resources:


Building Code enforcement complaints

The Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, c. 23 is enforced by the South Frontenac Building Inspectors. You can submit a complaint to the Township office (Building Services) using the complaint form below or by submitting a detailed email to

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